Can a pillow or mattress contribute to your pain or other symptoms?
I hear this question regularly and the answer is a definite ‘yes.’ We spend so many hours in bed-- about one third of our life! Our position during sleep definitely has an impact on the other two-thirds of our life, for better or for worse. If you wake up feeling pain or stiffness, that is a particularly clear indication that something needs to change about your sleep.
The Goal
Good sleep posture can be achieved by keeping your spine neutral. This means that while you sleep, your spine should be in a similar position to your posture while you are standing up straight. A neutral spine is possible in multiple sleeping positions as long as you have the right pillow(s) and mattress. I share pillow tips in this post and will offer mattress recommendations in the next.
Neck Support
“Traditional” pillows dip lower toward the edges of the pillow. This dip causes your chin/neck to be too low in relation to your head, which means that you sleep with a flexed curve in your neck. Sleeping with this curve every night can cause many problems for your neck. Instead, you should select a pillow that provides neck support. With proper neck support you can achieve a comfortable, neutral spine while you sleep.
Correct Pillow Height
Neck support is not the only requirement of a great pillow— the pillow also needs to be the correct height for you [ersonally. You need to be a bit like Goldilocks: find a pillow that is just right, not too high and not too low. You will likely need to try a few different pillows. It is helpful to have someone else check if your neck is neutral; your head should not tip upward or downward.
Just Right
This pillow height is just right for the model. In addition, the neck support allows her to have a neutral spine— perfect for a healthy neck.
The pillow shown is an affordable latex countoured pillow from Ikea: the ROSENSKÄRM.
My Recommendation
A pillow that can offer a specific height and great neck support is a latex contoured pillow. Most of these pillows are designed with two different sides. One side has a higher loft intended for side-sleepers; the other side has a lower loft intended for back-sleepers. However, you can use either side that is the right height for you.
Latex does not sag over time like other materials; it will continue to offer great neck support for 5-10 years! If possible, buy a natural latex pillow instead of synthetic latex. Again, we spend one third of our lives in bed so an excellent pillow is a wise investment.
Second Pillow
My last tip for you: a second pillow may also be necessary to achieve a neutral spine.
Side sleepers should use a small pillow between their knees.
Belly sleepers should use a pillow under their belly. It is not possible to achieve a neutral spine on your belly because your neck is turned, but using a second pillow will at least be an improvement.
Back sleepers may find that it is more comfortable to use a small pillow underneath their knees.
Ready for a better pillow? Here are some possibilities for you to consider that are available right here in the Netherlands. I personally sleep well on the Kipli. Just try some and find the right fit for you!